What's Going on in AI Applications in Winter 2025?

in which our hero reads all of the YCombinator Winter 2025 Cohort Proposals for some godforsaken reason
March 2, 2025

Why are we still awake, ranting at 6am?

My dag (Seven) needed to go pee at 1 AM and... well, for some reason here we are still awake many hours later. It was a combination of things really - firstly being too sleepy to make progress on my own LM cognition / mental workspace toy but still in the throes of the micro-obsession, I decided to see what's happening on the applications front.

Snarky rant zone:

But secondly... I also kind of got this morbid curiosity wondering how these silicone valley plutocrats see the world. So, apologies in advance, that soured the tone a bit, and I got snark all over the rest of this article.

They listen to / read what - thousands of these things per year, and see the (dominantly based on my sampling this evening) young white or asian man bringing a (relatively) small amount of industry & world experience, who by definition of the whole gestures broadly startup venture capital game need to have a highly convincing pitch that they have identified a critical issue (ie massive opportunity) in {industry vertical}, everything there is fucked, we are going to turn the whole thing on its head and make one million dollars.

So when you look at the batshit crazy things these guys are saying, I have to ask "how do you end up so out of touch?" - But I guess if you have all of the money in the world and you have people throwing all of these ideas at you... - probably years 'save the environment' proposals (with no path to profitability let alone exponential growth) - and now 'Earth is fucked but we're going to the moon!' - 'You can automatically watch and interpret security camera footage at scale! (but just looking for bad guys obviously)!' - 'You can watch your production line operators automatically at scale!' - 'We don't have to pay for engineers anymore! We don't have to listen to engineers anymore!' - 'We can put computer chips in monkey brains! For completely benign reasons!'

And you don't have to worry about how you will fit into the quickly changing world. You have enough that your place, your children's place is secure. You have the clarity of vision that comes with peace of mind, and you really can shape society and the world in essentially whatever image you choose. You could choose to spend trivial part of your infinite wealth creating a beautiful society that flourishes Star Trek style.

But no, fuck that. The obvious choice is to rule it with an iron fist and crush the will and freedoms of the people underneath.

I guess Disney villains have to be based on real life.

Ok enough of that. Lets look what people are making / selling:

Things I found novel & interesting:


Very high level buckets:

I will lean on Mr. Sertillanges (OP) for the closing words -

Here I am, a man of the 20th century, living in a time of permanent drama, witnessing upheavals such as perhaps the globe never saw since the mountains rose and seas were driven into their caverns.
What have I to do for this panting, palpitating century? More than ever thought is waiting for men, and men for thought. The world is in danger for lack of life-giving maxims. We are in a train rushing ahead at top speed, no signals visible. The planet is going it knows not where, its law has failed it: who will give it back its sun?